Rotary Club of West Hartford Minutes
Date: August 20, 2018
Attendance:  about 30 Members
Bob Kiely
Eileen Rau suggested that the Club donate to the Rotary Fund in memory of Bob Kiely.He was formerly the chairman of the Rotary Foundation.
Rotary Means Business
Farmington, Canton and Avon Rotary Clubs held a combined Rotary Means Business meeting last August 15.David Mangs emphasized the need for this meeting so that different business people from the Clubs and their friends are invited.The more exposure our club gets will hopefully mean more members and more business.
Tavern Night
Don’t forget TAVERN NIGHT, September 27.
Jazz Brunch
We signed a contract with The Hartford Club for the Jazz Brunch.Contracts with two performers were also signed.The next move is to sell tickets.We have to sell at least 250 tickets.You can go online to buy tickets on the Rotary Club of West Hartford web site to buy tickets.
Children’s Museum
Rick Liftig and I met with the Director of the West Hartford Children’s Museum.He gave us the history of their financial status and said that at present they are in the black.They do not depend on Town or State funds for their operations.We hope to invite the prospective buyers of the site to one of our meetings and to express our interest in having part of the site reserved for the new Children’s Museum so that West Hartford can continue to have this educational treasure in our Town.Our donations to the Rotary Lab will be transferable when the Museum moves to its new location.
Foundation Chair Eileen Rau presents Rotarian Ed Cape with his Paul Harris +2