Installation Dinner 2023
The Pictures Tell the Story
If you weren't there, you missed an awfully fine meal.
Our old banner had gone missing and PDG Dave Mangs ordered a spiffy new one with modern day branding. Thank you, Dave!
(Now Immediate Past President) Kyle seemed melancholy at the thought of turning over the 'Sacred Key' to incoming President Rick, but he quickly got over it.
He received a nicely inscribed clock, and.....
His Paul Harris Plus 4! Or is it 5? Woot!
A First! Dual Rotarians of the Year: Carolyn Malon and Diane Barber
DG Christine Burns inducts the new board for 2023-2024
L. - R. 
DG - Christine Burns
  • Kris Lucke - Treasurer
  • Dr. Carolyn Malon - Secretary
  • Dr. Rick Liftig - President
  • Eileen Rau - Foundation Chair
  • Diane Barber - President Elect
  • Bennett Forrest - Board Member
  • David Gerrol - Board Member
  • Kyle Egress - Immediate Past President
  • missing - Bob Kor - Board Member