A Visit from Our Dunn Scholar:
Franziska Bright
One of our special guests at the September 11th meeting was Franziska Bright, who was awarded the 2023 Dunn scholarship for District 7890. Franziska just received her Master of Public Health (MPH) at the École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique (EHESP) in Greater Paris. She told us about her visits to Rotary Clubs in the Paris area, and in particular, the Paris Académies lub, which is more of a cultural club than a business oriented one. It's a Rotary club whose 38 members include artists, architects, physicians, professors, the president of the Sorbonne, and a former inspector general of the libraries of France. 
The scholarships was made possible through a generous gift to the Rotary Foundation by the late Gladys B. Dunn and Dr. Robert E Dunn. Bob was a former Principal of Hall High School and a dedicated member of the West Hartford Rotary Club for many years.